Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Here is the missionary style of Jesus, and also the style of the disciples of Christ: to proclaim the Gospel with gentleness and firmness, without arrogance or imposition". This is what Pope Francis underlined at the Angelus on Sunday, January 8, feast of the Baptism of Jesus, after having baptized a group of children in the Sistine Chapel. "The real mission - the Pope said - is never proselytism, but attracting to Christ, from the strong union with Him in prayer, adoration and concrete charity, which is service to Jesus present in the least of our brothers. In imitation of Jesus, good and merciful Shepherd, and animated by His grace, we are called to make our life a joyful witness that illuminates the path that brings hope and love".
During the Angelus Pope Francis recalled Holy Childhood day with these words: "Epiphany is the Day of Missionary Childhood. I encourage all children in many parts of the world to be committed to bringing the Gospel and to help their peers in need. I greet those who have come here today from Lazio, and Molise Abbruzzo, and I thank the The Pontifical Misssionary Society of Holy Childhood for this educational service". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/01/2017)